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Scientific activity

Division structure

The Patent &Licensing division was established in March 2008 as part of the implementation of one of the State Program for the Protection of Intellectual Property for 2008-2010 (paragraph 2 of Chapter 4) and guided by paragraph 1.8 of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus “On improving the methods and forms of organization activities of research and educational institutions” dated December 15, 2004 No. 276.

Human capacity of the division
Svetlana Magonova is a head of the division, lawyer in the field of protection of industrial and intellectual property of the Republic of Belarus. She has higher technical education and has been retrained in the specialty "Legal support of intellectual property” and mastered in the following advanced professional development training programs:

2006 - Fundamentals of Intellectual Property Management, NCIP Training Center,
2006 - Fundamentals of Intellectual Property, WIPO Worldwide Academy,
2010 - Activity of a patent attorney in the field of intellectual property, NCIP Training Center,
2010 - Organization of patent and license trade of the results of scientific and technical activities, "BSU"
2011 - Legal protection of industrial property objects abroad,
2014 - Intellectual property in the activities of the organization, EI "BSU", "Institute of Journalism",
2016 - Access to technologies for innovation and creation of a network of technology and innovation support centers in Belarus, Belarusian Institute for System Analysis and Information Support of the Scientific and Technical Sphere
2020 - Introduction to the Patent Cooperation Treaty, WIPO Worldwide Academy,
2020 - Countering the circulation of products with violation of intellectual property rights, NCIP Training Center,
2021 - Trademarks and Service Marks, NCIP,
2021 - Increasing access to medical technology and innovation for executives, WIPO Worldwide Academy.
2006-2021 - NCIP consultant,
since 2021 – consultant of the Support and Technology Center of the Gomel branch of the Russian Scientific and Technical Library.
  Natalya Alkhanovskaya is an engineer of the division. She has higher technical education and mastered in the following advanced professional development training programs:

2012 - Intellectual Property Management, State Educational Institution "Institute for the Training of Scientific Personnel of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus".
2012 - Patent information and patent research, NCIP Training Center
2014 - Intellectual property in the activities of the organization, EI "BSU".
  Svetlana Yurankova is an engineer of the division. She has higher economic education and mastered in the advanced professional development training program:

2009 - Intellectual Property Management, NCIP Training Center.
Division objectives
1. Organization of work on the protection and management of intellectual property at the Center, aimed at protecting the state priority and the rights of authors in the field of protection of industrial and intellectual property, improving the efficiency of research work, the qualifications of the Center's researchers, the introduction of scientific achievements in healthcare practice, including:
  • development and implementation of advanced forms of intellectual property management,
  • coordination of the activities of the Center's divisions in the field of protection and management of intellectual property, organizational, methodological and information and consulting support for this area of activity;
  • organization of patent-information work.

2. Control and monitoring of ensuring the protection and management of intellectual property in the Center, including:
  • control over the timeliness of securing exclusive rights to intellectual property objects owned by the Center in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, the implementation of established procedures to ensure effective protection, and the maintenance of titles of protection;
  • monitoring the use of intellectual property objects in the Center;
  • monitoring compliance by the Center with legislation in the field of intellectual property, local regulations on the protection and management of intellectual property.
Division functions
  • Organizational and methodological assistance to researchers of the Center's subdivisions on the issues of identifying intellectual property objects, choosing the forms of their legal protection, securing rights to these objects.
  • Ensuring compliance with the established procedure for disposing of the rights to the results of research, research and development work performed using funds from the republican and local budgets.
  • Provision of methodological assistance in the conduction of patent research by performers of research work and control over the registration of reports on patent research in accordance with the established procedure as provided by applicable law.
  • Organizational support for training, professional development training, participation in seminars, conferences, and other events for employees of the Center on the protection and management of intellectual property.
  • Assistance in the development of inventions, rationalization activities in the Center, organization of competitions for rationalization and invention.