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There is the essence of an oncology consultation in order to confirm or exclude the malignant nature of the neoplasm. It involves: taking an anamnesis, visual examination of the skin, visible mucous membranes, peripheral lymph nodes, and, if necessary, the mammary glands. Your doctor may recommend further tests such as punctures, cytological studies.

Benign tumors also need to be regularly monitored by an oncologist, because. sometimes they can degenerate into malignant ones.

You should contact your oncologist if you notice:
  • frequent ailments, not caused by any objective reason, weakness, excessive fatigue;
  • changes in moles or the appearance of new moles in large numbers, the appearance of birthmarks and skin pigmentation;
  • blood in urine/feces/sputum;
  • lumps in the breast, in the area of the lymph nodes.

You also need to see an oncologist regularly if:

  • you are white-skinned and you have a large number of moles;
  • you have had thyroid problems in the past;
  • you have lumps or benign tumors.